Center Frankfurt
HORBACH is well-known for providing tailor made solutions for discerning private clients. We want to take the thought of helping people meet their financial needs a step forward and are now providing Financial Advise for Expats as well. To find their way through German Bureaucracy is not easy. Not understanding the German language is another major issue. In this respect, we also want to help our clients in their native language. Everybody should be feeling home, and no questions should be left unanswered. Frankfurt is home to many cultures. Every culture and community should feel understood and heard.
The idea is to provide expats with the same opportunities Germans have in order to reach their goal of being financially independent. What does it mean to be financially independent for YOU? How would it feel to have created a financially stable foundation for your family and children? Buying your new home in Germany, being insured in all areas, accumulating wealth, having sound finances? If you ask five people, all of them would have different answers. What is YOUR answer?
We invite you to join us, HORBACH Expats Frankfurt, on the journey to financial freedom.
Each person moves to a foreign country with different plans and dreams for their lives. Now: if everybody’s life plans differ, how could a run of the mill solution be best for all clients? To meet the needs of our customers, we provide expats with tailor made solutions. Financial needs change from time to time. When you freshly move to Germany, you usually wish help on the organisational and insurance questions. Which insurances are the must -haves for students or for working professionals? Where should you get yourself insured? Moving further you want to start investing and to move a step further towards wealth accumulation. After finishing your studies and starting new job, other questions arise. You may want to start a family or are getting married. In a few years, when you have settled down, the wish of buying your own home suddenly becomes more important. If the needs differ and the plans change over time, your financial planning should be dynamic too and should fit to every stage of your life. This is what we provide our clients with, tailor made life long financial planning, because every person is unique and so are his/ her dreams and life plans. Have you ever wished someone on your side as well, who assists and helps you with all your questions and queries in a new country?
We are not only use- and helpful for new clients. We also help people optimize their finances. A lot of expats come to us with solutions, they don’t understand the purpose of. When you can get an insurance for everything and anything, it is important to consider what you actually need. This is how we work. With us and our help you will never be over- or underinsured.
Horbach´s Best select: The solutions and strategies should not just fit your personal needs, but should also come from sound companies, the solutions itself must fulfil certain basic criteria and should perform better than their competition. To ensure the best price-performance ratio we analyse insurance companies, banks, investment funds at the cooperate level as well as the portfolio level.
Sounds Interesting? Feel free to contact us. We are here for you!
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Namrta Kishore
Hello, ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ, नमस्ते, Guten Tag
I, Namrta Kishore, born in Germany, but brought up in India, want to help the expats community meet their financial needs. Starting my new journey in Germany, after I left India, has inspired me to work especially for expats, as I can understand the challenges expats face while integrating into the German society. My aim is to make the fresh start in a new country a little bit easier for everybody and help people achieve their (financial) dreams. When asked: “Why you left your home country?”, one of the frequent replies is, “…to pursue my dream “.
Let me help you manifest your dreams and shape your (financial) journey in Germany together. From my journey so far I can say I am a global citizen. My life experiences in India, from the culture, the diversity, the people and of course food, have contributed equally to my individuality, to what I am today. So it´s just about giving back what I got from the universe.
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Leo Philipp Pojunow
I am a consultant of Horbach Expats Frankfurt. Together with my team I support expats in all topics related to finance.